... Last date for submitting Abstract - 31/01/2025 | Notification of acceptance - 09/02/2025 | Last date to submit of full-length paper - 23/02/2025 | Last date for registration 28/02/2025

Registration Fee

Category Early bird
(till 01.03.2025)
After early bird
(after 01.03.2025)
Industry INR 3,000/-
INR 3,500/-
Govt. / Academic
Research Institution
INR 2,500/-
INR 3,000/-
Research scholars
INR 2,000/-
INR 2,500/-
Listeners INR 1,000/-
INR 2,000/-

Registration fee covers the, refreshments, lunch, conference dinner and conference kit. Payments to be made in the account given below:
Account Number: 335602011000115
Account Name: AKCE Mech Association
IFSC Code: UBIN0562734
Branch: KLU Branch, Krishnankoil

Registration Form